Amy Butler apron by Jennie Rowe

I have an fantastic friend! Her name is Jennie and not only is she british, she's also an amazing seamstress! Since we just moved I wanted new aprons for our kitchen and I've always loved the one she's got at home. So fantastic as she is, she made one for me with two different sides and one for my man.

I just love them. Mine looks like a cute 50's dress! Thank you, thank you, thank you my lovely Jennie!

You can find Jennie here and here

Kommentarer till inlägget
Postat av: Jennie

Thanks for the advertising my wonderful friend! =D

2010-10-14 @ 13:33:45
Postat av: Erica

Anytime darling! Can't wait until Saturday! Really looking forward to seeing you and go to the movies :)

2010-10-15 @ 10:41:02

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